Article 1: Team Overview
1.1 Mission Statement
Kodiak Robotics' mission is to inspire innovation and creativity in robotics by designing, building, and programming robots that challenge us to progress and innovate. We strive to foster a culture of collaboration, curiosity, and inclusivity where team members of all backgrounds can learn, grow, and thrive. With a relentless commitment to excellence, we aim to challenge ourselves to overcome obstacles, solve complex problems, and achieve our goals. By sharing our passion for robotics with our community, we aspire to inspire future generations of innovators and change-makers to pursue their dreams fearlessly and positively impact the world.
1.2 Vision Statement
Our vision is to promote VEX robotics and robotics to our communities. We aspire to create a community of robotics enthusiasts dedicated to improving themselves and the community by exploring new frontiers in robotics. Through our passion for robotics, we hope to be the starting point for future generations of engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and make a meaningful impact on the world.
1.3 Values Statement
At our college robotics team, we are committed to upholding the following values:
VEX's core values, particularly bold innovation and continuous improvement.
Inclusivity and collaboration: Our team's success is built on the collective effort of every member. In addition, success is driven by diversity and inclusivity, as an environment that welcomes all from any background is meant for success. Thus, we can leverage each other's strengths and expertise to achieve our common goals.
Excellence: We are dedicated to achieving excellence in everything we do. We uphold high-quality standards, professionalism, and ethical conduct and constantly seek to improve our skills and knowledge.
Community: We believe that robotics has the potential to make a positive impact on the world, and we are committed to using our skills and resources to serve our community. We value outreach and education and strive to inspire and engage others in the excitement of robotics.
Fun: We believe that robotics is an exciting and rewarding pursuit, and we value a positive and enthusiastic team culture that celebrates our successes and learns from our challenges. We approach our work with a sense of humor and a spirit of adventure and enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
1.4 Date Team Began
August 2013
1.5 Team and Program Summary
VEX Robotics: VEX Robotics is a platform that provides educational and competitive opportunities for students to learn and apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. The VEX Robotics competitions challenge students to work in teams and apply their knowledge and skills to design, build, and program robots that can perform specific tasks. These competitions include local, national, and international events that bring together teams from different schools, regions, and countries to showcase their robots' abilities.
Kodiak Robotics (Team PHXC): Kodiak Robotics began ten years ago when Joshua James started the team as an extracurricular club at Phoenix College. The team began competing in 2015 and gained traction and recognition despite competing against highly funded and prestigious university teams. Despite COVID-19 presenting as a challenge due to membership decline and decreasing engagement, the 2023 team focused on rebuilding the structure and using the challenge as an opportunity to rebuild our team's culture. Thus, the team placed second in overall point average (beating all Arizona universities) and received the Judge's Award for team culture, overcoming challenges, and a phenomenal Judge's interview.
Learn more at
Article 2: Membership
2.1 Membership Eligibility
All Phoenix College students are eligible to become members of Kodiak Robotics, regardless of skill or experience level.
2.2 Membership Application
Members must complete an application to gain team membership status. There are no membership fees.
2.3 Members in Good Standing
In order to maintain membership in good standing, all team members are expected
Complete VEX registration online
Attend minimum 6 meetings per semester (including either build-day and/or strategy day)
Attend at least 1 team outreach event per semester
Contribute to team meetings
Additionally, a member may approach a club officer and ask for an exception in the form of a reset in attendance due to extenuating circumstances
2.4 Mentor Definition
A mentor is any adult who works with the team on a consistent basis and provides expertise in technical, creative, or business disciplines.
2.5 Mentor Role
Mentors are asked to guide, not lead, the team. Mentors may guide through teaching new skills and concepts, asking guiding questions, or providing insight and ideas beyond students’ experience. However, mentors do not play a role in decision-making or producing (i.e., programming, CAD, building, etc.) on the team. These duties should be conducted by student members.
2.6 Mentor Application
Mentors must complete an interview and application with lead mentor.
Article 3: Leadership
3.1 Leadership Committee
Kodiak Robotics' Leadership is comprised of students in Officer positions. Members must be in good standing to become an officer.
3.2 Officer Positions & Definitions
Is the elected leader (team captain) of Kodiak Robotics
Manages the team and resides as a leader while also being involved in all aspects of the team
Helps with the end-of-year election
Tracks progress of the season
Ensures that bylaws are executed accordingly
Takes attendance at the beginning of meetings
Schedules meetings on the decided communication method
Create the agenda during Leadership Meetings before whole-team meetings
Reaches out to members and mentors who haven’t been showing up at meetings and making sure they are still invested in being a member
Responsible for engineering notebook monitoring
Vice-President of Operations:
Takes over president’s duties during absences
Assists in team management
Management of supplies and inventory
Vice-President of Development:
Manages all finances
Manages and updates team business proposal
Forms a budget plan and updates it
Keeps track of all grants, sponsorships, payments, purchases, etc.
Vice-President of Public Relations:
Responsible for presentations and judge's panel organization
Responsible for maintaining social media and organizing external communications
Responsible for website maintenance and updates
Safety Officer:
Maintains a safe working environment
Make sure members are wearing PPE
Monitors others in the lab
Makes sure all members and mentors have passed safety tests to be in the lab
Performs safety inspections at least 1 time per month
3.3 Leadership Eligibility
Individuals who are eligible to be elected as officers must meet the following criteria:
Be a current PHXC member, and be in good standing
Have applicable experience or field of study
Leadership Committee positions are elected with a simple majority vote.
3.4 Declaration of Candidacy
Candidates should inform the current president that they are running, and which positions they are running for (up to three), before build season has ended. If no one runs for a certain position, the position is assigned uncontested. Candidates may inform the president if they change their mind and decide not to run for a position.
3.5 Leadership Elections
Elections shall be held within one month before the end of the spring semester. Each candidate must submit a biography, including a photo of themselves. Candidates will have time to give a short speech to the team. Voting will be held via Google form. The VPO is responsible for contacting all current members to encourage voting. If fewer than three members are on the ballot, any member may join the election. Once the voting period is up, the winner of the position will be announced at the next meeting, or through online channels, by the previous year’s team president. The vote will be a simple majority.
3.6 Impeachment
Impeachment can occur at any time during the season, except during travel or before two weeks after the election. Charges of impeachment may be brought against any elected officer for the following: Failure to uphold rules laid in bylaws, lack of gracious professionalism or VEX values, dishonesty, total absence longer than 1 month (with zero contact with anyone on the team), offensive behavior or discrimination, or no longer being a Member in Good Standing.
Impeachment proceedings will be brought up to a mentor by a member who has concerns about an officer. When this concern is brought up mentors will conduct an internal investigation by interviewing members affected or impacted. Mentors will act as representatives of the team in using facts collected to decide whether the leader in question is in a position where impeachment is necessary, with consultation from the other members of the leadership committee who are not in question or accusing. New candidates may run for an impeached member's position. If a simple majority vote chooses a new candidate, the position will be filled immediately with the new member. If a certain team wants to impeach a team lead, they should consult with Leadership Committee members.
Article 4: Meetings and Processes
4.1 Scheduling
Whole Team Meetings are intended to be on a consistent schedule, which will be determined by the Leadership Committee at the beginning of the off-season and will be either reestablished or changed at the start of the build season. These schedules can be changed throughout the season depending on team members' availability.
4.2 Agendas
For whole team meetings, an agenda must be created by the Leadership Committee and made available to the whole team by the previous evening (this includes update/announcement topics, action items, and breakout group tasks).
4.3 Pre-Meeting Planning Sessions
The first 30 minutes will consist of the following:
Set up the room and technology
Review the meeting agenda and ensure it is thorough and set
Review the engineering calendar to ensure team pacing is met
4.4 Meeting Structure & Format
Whole team meetings include the following 3 components:
Opening: Led by president or VPO using agenda and reviewing the last meeting. Should last no longer than 30 minutes.
Breakout Group Tasks: determined based on pre-set agenda breakout groups.
Closing: Led by president or VPO, allows time for a status update from each group as well as next steps for the engineering notebook. The last 30 minutes are reserved for this section and cleaning the room.
4.5 Attendance
A sign-in sheet will be available at the front of the room to keep track of member’s attendance. In order to maintain attendance records, sign-in is required.
Article 5: Finances
5.1 Budget
A budget must be established prior to the start of the build season, with a defined estimated cost for the season’s expenses. These include the costs of the robot, registration, travel, etc. This budget must reflect realistic cost projections, and contain a course of action to obtain any money exceeding the existing funds in the team bank account. Budgets will be updated and maintained in our Business Plan.
5.2 Sponsorship Requests
Sponsorship requests should be established prior to build season. Before any sponsorship letter is sent, the potential sponsor must be approved by the mentors. After the letter is sent, the financial spreadsheet (which is maintained by the VP of Development to keep track of finances) is to be updated with who it was sent to, who wrote it, and when the letter was sent. Any requests the sponsor makes must be recorded by their name, and have at least one member assigned by the President or VPO to accommodate these requests.
5.3 Usage of Sponsorship Money
Sponsorship money is to be deposited into the Kodiak Robotics fund at Phoenix College. No other accounts are to be used. Money from the sponsor may not be spent until the funds are obtained and approved through a vote.
5.4 Sponsorship Acceptance
If the potential sponsor is interested, two members are to be established to be responsible for interfacing with the potential sponsor. These are either volunteered or assigned by the President or VP of Development.
5.5 Money Transactions
If an item is to be purchased, it must be added to the purchase list. When purchasing, all transactions must be approved the lead mentor and the team's collective vote.
5.6 Insufficient Funding
A purchase cannot be made if funds are not sufficient to cover the cost. If it is a vital component, the item will be added to a wish list along with a course of action of how the funds will be regained.
Article 6: Lab Rules and Safety
6.1 Robotics and Innovation Lab
Food should be kept in food-designated areas. Food cannot be inside the Innovation Lab area. Members should always be accompanied by a mentor or adult when using power tools. Safety glasses should be worn at all times while in the innovation lab. The computer area should be kept clean and well maintained at all times. This includes using computers only as intended. Members are expected to clean up after themselves and keep in mind that the workspace is used by many other people both during and after meetings.
6.3 General Safety
The following rules should be followed at all times during a team meeting or event:
In order to use an electric tool, team members must complete the safety course and quiz that corresponds with it
Team members must obey all instructions from a mentor and safety officer in case of a serious emergency
All team members must have completed the general safety quiz in the current year as defined by the start of offseason
6.4 Visitors
Visitors may be in the lab if supervised by a mentor, and may not be involved in building the robot. They will only be allowed into the lab a limited number of times before being expected to become a member.
Article 7: Competition
7.1 Drive Team Roles and Duties
The drive team controls the robot during competition. They are elected ahead of time and get to make decisions during robot driving. The drive team is responsible to interact with other teams to create a professional competitive environment. The drive team must keep track of time and come back to the pits to collect the robot to take it into queuing at least two matches before Kodiak Robotic's match. Although it is a team endeavor for all members to participate in events, this rule is heavily emphasized for drivers to arrive at their pits on time.
7.2 Drive Team Selection
The drive team will be decided during build season, at least two weeks ahead of the first competition, with a simple majority vote of the team. The drivers should be decided by the officers based on attendance, experience, and ability to communicate and follow directions by others. If any member has objections, they can be brought up and the drive team reconsidered. Two backup people are also to be established, in order to replace those on the drive team if the main drivers are unavailable during a match.
7.3 Choosing a Competition
The Leadership Committee, with Lead Mentors, will research and discuss the competition decisions. They will make the final decisions on competition destinations. The Lead Mentors will have the ability to make a final veto if the competition destination is unrealistic.
7.4 Other Roles at Competition
Officers: The President and all officers are expected to oversee the team and make logistics decisions not discussed prior to competition (e.g. if we should share a part with another team, etc.).
Scouter: Can be any member interested in interacting and talking with other robotics teams for the purpose of education, camaraderie, and networking. However, all members are expected to behave in a gracious way with all teams, encouraging open discussion and promoting a culture of friendliness.